APHS 2018 (2018년11월29일~12월01일) 아시아 태평양 탈장학회 수요 조사

  • 작성일자

    2018-08-14 00:00
  • 조회수



학회 회원여러분께


금번 두바이에서 개최되는 14th Asia Pacific Hernia Society Conference & GCC Hernia Society Annual Meeting에 참여하고자 하는 회원 여러분의 수요를 조사하고자 합니다. 

회원 여러분 중 참여를 희망하시는 회원님은 학회사무원( tkhs59@naver.com ​) 이메일로 참여 희망 여부를 회신해 주시기 바랍니다. ​



Dear Friends of Herniology

It gives me great pleasure and honor to invite you all to the 14th Annual Congress of APHS which will take place from 29th of November to 1st of December 2018 in Raffles Hotel, Dubai – UAE. The theme of the congress is Hernia Tailor Made. The congress will focus on the customization of hernia surgery to the individual patient and his particular condition. The organizing committee together with the international faculty have put together a three-day program with courses, workshops, live transmission of surgeries, and of course an extensive scientific program to keep you updated on the newest developments in the field of herniology. After having worked on guidelines and recommendations for the last two decades we now want to look into how much tailoring is needed to meet the requirements and expectations of individual patients.

For the first time the annual congress will offer parallel sessions in Chinese language outside of China and Chinese speaking countries. The cooperation with the Chinese Journal of Hernia & Abdominal Wall Surgery, Chinese College of Surgeons, the Chinese Hernia College of Surgeons, the Hernia Society of Taiwan, the Saudi Laparoscopic Society, and China Hernia Society with the legacy of APHS Congress 2017 shall bridge the academic gaps and language barriers in between East and West of Asia. The organizers aim to bring together more than 1000 participants mainly from Asia Pacific region and partially from the rest of the world. To reach this goal we need your help and the participation of all of you. Together, stronger, better has been the theme of APHS 2017 in Taiwan. This success directed slogan will continue to be the most important message to all our members and will be the refrain of a society hernia song.

Rolf Hartung
Congress President 

Medical Director of Mediclinic City hospital